Elizabeth’s Journey to aumheart

My perspective and education are unique because I was born into a spiritual belief system where consciousness served as the measure for determining all of life's experiences and outcomes. While this perspective has been instrumental in my journey, it has lacked the wholeness and integrity needed to heal the disorder I internalized within the patriarchal and often misogynistic spiritual environment in which I was raised—a part of the larger macrocosm.

The healing I desperately needed eluded me each time I tried to be more obedient, serve more, and give more. These attempts only landed me in a prison I subconsciously erected, having internalized misogyny without awareness. I believed there must be something—some aspect of creation—that I hadn’t yet acknowledged or paid respect to. I came to realize that the one person I had never truly honored was myself; I was never taught to honor myself. This raised the question: Who am I? Why can't I feel enough? Where within me lies the egregious lie that I am not whole, real, and every answer I seek?

By deconstructing the internalized, rigid hierarchies that had occupied my mind, I regained my health, order, and clarity of thought. Each time I challenged myself to stop bowing down to external authority without checking in with my feelings first, the illusions surrounding me began to fall away. I also discovered that by bowing down to the soul, light, and spirit within you, I equally bow down to that within myself. Honor and dignity beget honor and dignity and therein lies sacred reciprocity and its undeniable power to transform every area of our life. Every session is a transmition of this enegetic frequency which is completely sovereign and benevolent.

Aumheart represents the energetic result of transforming this experience. This transformation transcends my personal journey, reflecting the shared human understanding and the universal need for relief, health, space, healing, order, and unconditional loving support, both in closeness and in privacy.